8th Grade Courses
ENGLISH GRADE 8 (YEAR) (Core Class Required to pass for Promotion)
Grade 8 English continues to integrate and address the Language Arts Content Standards which include Listening and Speaking, Writing, and Reading & Literature. The strategies, assignments, materials, and pacing, as well as the amount and depth of coverage, will vary according to the needs of the students.
MATH 8 or Algebra I (YEAR) (Core Class Required to pass for Promotion)
Math 8 - Students will develop proficiency with concepts and skills in numbers and operations, measurement, geometry, spatial sense, patterns, functions, data analysis, statistics, and probability. This course will prepare the student for the study of Algebra.
ALGEBRA I - This course is designed to provide an opportunity for students to gain skills and concepts of a high school Algebra I course. The student’s Final Grade will be transferred to a DOE High School transcript and the student will be awarded a High School Algebra I credit. GPA will not transfer to high school transcript. Prerequisites: Placement by a current math teacher.
SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 8 (YEAR) (Core Class Required to pass for Promotion)
This course engages students in an in-depth look at the people, ideas, and events that shaped and continue to shape our nation in order to develop a deep understanding of American society. The course will address 8th-grade Social Studies Content Standards.
SCIENCE Grade 8 (YEAR) (Core Class Required to pass for Promotion)
The 8th Grade Science curriculum aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): Physics, Chemistry, Life Science, Space Systems, and Earth Science. Students will be engaged in scientific and engineering practices as they experience, investigate, and explain phenomena while learning core ideas and building a cohesive understanding of science.
ESOL (English for Speaker of Other Languages)
A required course for all Limited-English speaking students in the EL program emphasizes the development of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. ESOL placement is done by the current EL Coordinator.
8th-grade students must select 1.5 electives as part of their school schedule
Careful thought must be taken in selecting elective courses as changes may not be possible later. Furthermore, students who fail to select their elective courses during the course selection window will forfeit their right to choose or change their elective.
Elective offerings are subject to change due to insufficient enrollment or staff availability/certification.
INTRODUCTION TO BAND - This Yearlong Course focuses on the fundamentals of playing a band instrument, musical techniques, and musicianship will be taught. These include basic theory, terminology, tone production, articulation, fingering, and musicality. Students will perform in class and at concerts throughout the year. NOTE: Students will be provided an instrument but must pay for their own supplies (mouthpiece, reeds, swabs) for their instrument.
BEGINNING BAND - (2nd Year Band at Stevenson) This Yearlong Course is for students who have successfully completed Introduction to Band Grade 6. Students will continue at an intermediate level of performance techniques, theory, aural training & musicianship. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in our performing band which performs in many concerts throughout the year. Stevenson's Performing Band offers students the opportunity to develop social and team-building skills, leadership opportunities as a band officer, and experience inter-island travel. Prerequisite: Must have approval from Mr. Shinbo, Band Instructor.
INTERMEDIATE BAND – (3rd Year Band at Stevenson) This Yearlong Course is for students who have successfully completed Introduction to Band and Beginning Band. Students will continue at an intermediate and/or advanced level of performance techniques, theory, aural training & musicianship. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in our performing band which performs in many concerts throughout the year. Stevenson's Performing Band offers students the opportunity to develop social and team-building skills, leadership opportunities as a band officer, and experience inter-island travel. Prerequisite: Must have approval from Mr. Shinbo, Band Instructor.
INTRODUCTION TO ORCHESTRA- This Yearlong Course is an Introduction of musical techniques and instruments are taught in this course. This will include care of an instrument, correct posture, breath control, tone production, intonation, articulation, musical terminology, and fingering. Students study simple music and are given the opportunity to play and listen to different types of musical compositions. Students will perform in class and at concerts throughout the year. NOTE: Students will be provided an instrument but must pay for their own supplies for their instrument. If students are interested in participating in the orchestra at the high school level, it is highly recommended to start Orchestra from the 6th Grade.
BEGINNING ORCHESTRA- (2nd Year Orchestra at Stevenson) This Yearlong Course is for students who have successfully completed Introduction to Orchestra Grade 6. Students will continue at an intermediate level of performance techniques, theory, aural training & musicianship. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in our performing band which performs in many concerts throughout the year. Stevenson's Performing Band offers students the opportunity to develop social and team-building skills, leadership opportunities as a band officer, and experience inter-island travel. Prerequisite: Must have approval from Mr. Shinbo, Band Instructor.
INTERMEDIATE ORCHESTRA– (3rd Year Orchestra at Stevenson) This Yearlong Course is for students who have successfully completed Introduction to Orchestra and Beginning Orchestra. Students will continue at an intermediate and/or advanced level of performance techniques, theory, aural training & musicianship. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in our performing band which performs in many concerts throughout the year. Stevenson's Performing Band offers students the opportunity to develop social and team-building skills, leadership opportunities as a band officer, and experience inter-island travel. Prerequisite: Must have approval from Mr. Shinbo, Band Instructor.
YEARBOOK PRODUCTION- This Yearlong Course is designed for planning and producing the school's yearbook. Students use an online web-based yearbook program to produce the yearbook. Emphasis is on working as a team, designing and completing page layouts, writing copy and captions, photography, and meeting deadlines. This course often requires additional hours beyond class time. An interview process will be used to select students for the course as class size is limited. Students must have a current English grade of "C" or better.
MIDDLE SCHOOL JROTC- This Yearlong Course is a partnership with Roosevelt High School JROTC Program allowing 8th-grade students to participate as Army JROTC Cadets. Classes will be held on Roosevelt's campus from 7:00 am - 7:50 am Tuesday-Friday This course is ONLY open to 8th Graders.
GENERAL ART- This Semester Long Course is an introductory course providing students with opportunities to imaginatively create artwork through a variety of media and techniques.
WEIGHT TRAINING- This Semester Long Course is designed for students to strengthen physical movement forms, concepts, principles, and skills through participation in a variety of modified and adapted weight and resistance training activities.
TEAM SPORTS- This Semester Long Course is designed for students to strengthen physical movement forms, concepts, principles, and skills through participation in a variety of team activities. Students will be introduced to a variety of modified games and activities that may require students to apply a wide range of fundamental locomotor movement skills in complex changing situations.
STEM COURSE– Science, Technology, Engineering, Math- This Semester Long Course course provides opportunities for students to make clear connections between and among the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics disciplines. Integrated STEM education cultivates deep-rooted and transferable learning experiences that purposefully apply the practices of the STEM disciplines through thematic, interdisciplinary, or problem/place/culture-based learning approaches. Integrated STEM supports the learning goals and progressions of individual subjects, helping to build foundational knowledge and skills in each discipline and make connections across content areas.
CAREER EXPLORATION 8th Grade- This Semester Long Course focuses on career opportunities based on the student’s individual interests. Active participation in this course assists you in planning your future academic and career path.
CAREER EXPLORATION AG TECH 8th Grade—This Semester Long Course is designed to introduce students to the exciting world of agriculture technology. Students will learn about the latest advancements in sustainability and agricultural practices and how technology is revolutionizing the industry. Through hands-on projects and experiments, students will gain practical experience with various agricultural technologies.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION 8 (1 Semester)- This course provides opportunities for students to participate in individual/dual sports games and fitness activities. In addition, students will continue to develop their general team sports skills.