6th Grade Courses


ENGLISH 6     (Core Class Required to pass for Promotion)

The student receives an articulated program that integrates all aspects of the language arts that includes writing, listening, and oral communication.

MATH 6    (Core Class Required to pass for Promotion)

This course is required of all students in grade 6. Emphasis is on developing proficiency with concepts and skills in Ratios and Proportional Relationships; The Number System; Expressions and Equations; Geometry; Statistics and Probability. Learning in these areas will support the development of student proficiency of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.

SOCIAL STUDIES 6   (Core Class Required to pass for Promotion)

The student explores the US history/world, geography, economics, government of the countries in the Pacific Rim, and current events.  

SCIENCE 6    (Core Class Required to pass for Promotion)

The 6th Grade Science curriculum aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): Physics, Chemistry, Life Science, Space Systems, and Earth Science.  Students will be engaged in scientific and engineering practices as they experience, investigate, and explain phenomena while learning core ideas and building a cohesive understanding of science. 

PHYSICAL EDUCATION 6 (1 Semester) (Required Elective)

Physical Education - This course is designed to develop lifelong participants in physical activity through a variety of activities.  Students will develop basic skills and fundamental movements through learning and application of locomotor skills, physical fitness, team sports, and non-traditional games and activities to improve their level of fitness.  

Introduction to Computer Science (1 Semester) Required Elective)

Introduction to Computer Science- This course is designed as a year-long Level 1 course introducing students to foundational computer science concepts and skills aligned to the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) K-12 Computer Science standards. Students learn to explore and engage in hands-on, collaborative projects and discover ways to connect their learning to real-world experiences. 

ESOL    (English for Speakers of Other Languages)

A required course for all Limited-English speaking students in the EL program emphasizes the development of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.   ESOL placement is done by the current EL Coordinator.


All students must select ONE elective course. Careful thought must be taken in selecting elective courses as changes may not be possible later.  Furthermore, students who fail to select their elective courses during the December course selection window will forfeit their right to choose or change their elective.

GENERAL ART- This is an introductory course providing students with opportunities to imaginatively create artwork through a variety of media and techniques.

Ukulele- Students will explore and learn to appreciate all styles of music.  Basic music skills of theory and performance are taught through the ukulele.